Valentines Cards

Send love through online Valentine cards to kids at Hope Unlimited in Brazil

Valentines Day in Brazil is June 12. Each year IPC gets together to make valentine cards for the children at Hope Unlimited in Brazil; a mission we support through your generous contributions.The children who receive your cards are poor, neglected and for the most part, have never before experienced familial love and concern. For some, yours will be the only Valentine card they receive and will be overwhelmed by your outpouring of love for them. If you have purchased and written cards please send to the Hope Unlimited for Children US office by April 15 or give them to Jenni Pellot before then.You may also complete e-cards on line. You can find a down-loadable card to help personalize it at this link, you can make a digital card and send it to Hope Unlimited – find the instructions on how to do that at this link a list with Portuguese phrases to use in your Valentine’s card here.