Small Groups

Small group is where lifelong friendships happen, spiritual growth deepens, and communities are made. At IPC, this is our best avenue to share life together.

Find a small group that fits your stage of life.

Life Group:

Group Location Meets Children
Sunday Morning Bible Class Fremont, CA 94538 Every Sunday No
Ladies Bible Study Fremont, CA 94538 Every Monday No
Singles Fellowship Fremont, CA 94538 First Sunday of each month No
McKowen Home Bible Study 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7pm No

Women’s Small Group:

Group Location Meets Children
Ladies Bible Study Fremont, CA 94538 Every Monday No

Men’s Small Group:

Group Location Meets Children
Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Every Tuesdays at 8 am No

Young Small Group:

Group Location Meets Children
Young Small Group Fremont, CA 94538 Coming soon Childcare available by reservation

Fun and Fitness:

Group Location Meets Children
Fun and Fitness Fremont, CA 94538 Every Wednesdays at 7 pm Childcare available by reservation