Church Closure

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

To protect the health and well-being of our church family and community, Irvington Presbyterian Church is moving to an online service. The sanctuary will be closed on Sunday and all Church gatherings suspended until further notice. Pastor Ed and your session met today and have agreed that despite the physical or financial havoc the Coronavirus might create, the emergency cannot separate our Christian from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. This is our greatest hope and greatest ally in times of tribulation and tragedy. That is not to say we should pretend as such threats and their damages (physical, emotional, financial, mental, etc.) are not real. Christians should never be fatalists.
As followers of Jesus, we aren’t taking our cues from culture, we aren’t reacting out of fear, but rather walking in power, love, and self-discipline. This doesn’t mean we stop washing our hands…please, wash your hands and keep them away from your face. But it does mean we live and lead differently. We are a people whose lives have been changed, and because of Jesus, we live, and we lead differently.

To attend worship service on Sunday please click on the following address: 
If you need prayers, or want to talk to Pastor Ed or an Elder, let us know.

Farmingtonians, our Bible Class as well as work in the garden will be suspended until further notice. Pastor Karl wrote: “I have so enjoyed helping lead the Saturday bible study. It is a dream come true. In my years of work with taking mission groups to build homes in Mexico I always used the model of “Act” “reflect”. It seems to me the best and most profound way to learn and change. That is what I wanted to happen at Farmington… so we will continue, once we determine that it is safe to do so.”

Tune into youtube at 10:00 am on Sunday: as we enter into the Third Sunday in Lent with John 4:5-42 the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus used what the woman needed as a starter – water. Jesus offered her something better, something new – living water. Let’s find out how she can receive this spring of water welling up to eternal life.

Fule (Mandarin Ministry) Church will also be moving to an on line service. All are welcome to join Fule’s online Tuesday worship and connect night services through–le244_Ntt8Xk2XQ

We are going to serve those who are hurting, and those who are in need. As followers of Jesus, in times like these, we are able to comfort others because Jesus has comforted us.

Grace and Peace,
Your Worship Ministry